, blood

美 [blʌd]英 [blʌd]
  • n.血;血统;有…类型的血的;家世
  • v.让(新人)初试
  • 网络血液;血战;鲜血

复数:bloods 现在分词:blooding 过去分词:blooded

, blood, blood

, blood

n. v.

1.[u]血the red liquid that flows through the bodies of humans and animals

2.有…类型的血的having the type of blood mentioned

3.[u]血统;家世family origins


bad blood (between A and B)

(甲、乙之间的)仇恨,厌恶feelings of hatred or strong dislike

be after/out for sbs blood

恨不得伤害(或惩罚)某人;恨不得放某人的血to be angry with sb and want to hurt or punish them

be/run in your blood

是与生俱来的(或遗传的)特性to be a natural part of your character and of the character of other members of your family

blood is thicker than water

血浓于水;亲属关系最牢靠family relationships are stronger than any others

sbs blood is up

怒气冲天;怒从心上来;怒不可遏somebody is very angry and ready to argue or fight

blood, sweat and tears

血汗;艰苦奋斗very hard work; a lot of effort

have sbs blood on your hands

对某人的死亡罪责难逃to be responsible for sb's death

like getting blood out of/from a stone

水中捞月;缘木求鱼almost impossible to obtain

make sbs blood boil

使某人怒不可遏to make sb extremely angry

make sbs blood run cold

使某人不寒而栗(或毛骨悚然)to make sb very frightened or fill them with horror

new/fresh blood

新成员(尤指年轻、有新思想或方法的);新生力量;新鲜血液new members or employees, especially young ones, with new ideas or ways of doing things


血液blood)约占体重的7%,在成人循环血容量约5L。血液由血浆(plasma)和血细胞(blood cell)组成。


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大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... block n. 块,街区 blood n. 血,血统 bloody adj. 有血的,血腥的 ...


共有鲜血(Blood)、邪恶(Unholy)和冰霜(Frost)三种符文。 死亡骑士还有第二种资源叫做「符文力量」(Runic Power),是使用符 …


英语四级词汇(整理版,16页,可直接打印) - 豆丁网 ... block n. 街区 blood n. 血,血液;血统 bloom n. 花;开花,开花期 ...


全部漫画 - 8090漫画网 ... BLOODCOVERED/ 尸体派对[第42话] Blood_ 最后的吸血鬼[第1卷] Fatestaynight/ 命运守护夜[第58 …


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